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About the customer

Client is an asset based motor carrier headquartered in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada and has around 24 locations within US & Canada, with a business of over 25,000 shipments a month.


Business Need

Client had an existing standalone system with various disjoint operations including a document management to handle the logistics. The core challenge was the client had to do a manual update to each of the individual systems for every upgrade resulting in huge cost and time.

01Website & Application Development

  • To do away with platform dependent desktop based application.

  • To switch from legacy document management system to an advanced new age document management system.

  • To automate the invoice processing.

  • Smart task distribution.

02Easy to map business objects

03Customer-relationship management

Our Solution


TechAffinity developed a platform independent web based application on .NET Platform where user can scan and view the documents on the web application using a third party SDK from Dynamsoft. The proposed solution had a central data repository that is designed as per the industry best practices. Below were the list of activities which was carried out during the solution implementation:

  • Web applications are easily customizable and accessible anytime, anywhere and via any PC and operating systems.

  • In doing so, it reduced storage space, enhanced security and easier retrieval of documents.

  • TechAffinity used parsing technology to automate the invoicing process where users can send the forms and PARS (Pre-Arrival Review System) clearance forms over email and/or fax to the end user.

  • TechAffinity developed more than 20+ schedulers to automate the business processes, thus shortening the time taken for completion of the processes.


Custom entity framework with n-tier architecture was implemented to realize the following benefits:

  • Multi-level layers to access Data model.

  • Better Performance, maintenance and reusability.

  • Process customization using the schedulers and SQL job schedulers.

  • Uses the power of jqGrid to present the records in simple and user friendly manner.

Positive Outcome

  • Future application enhancements made easy.

  • Single online system with all the business components.

  • Central data store with enhanced security and control without compromising flexibility.

  • A completely automated system with schedulers for reduced manual intervention, reduced operational cost, and time.

  • Web applications are easier to maintain and install. It is possible to achieve a far greater level of interoperability between web applications than it is with isolated desktop systems.

  • Using document management system information sharing and collaboration can be a lot easier. Documents captured from different sources can be accessed from multiple locations.

Technology Stack

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