In this 101st edition of our Weekly Digest, we discuss major CSS tricks for seamless front-end development and popular frameworks for single-page application development.

 We also understand why YouTube SEO is important and also learn the 5 most important YouTube video optimization factors.  

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Remember these 7 CSS Tricks & Best Practices for Glitch-Free Front-End Development

We discuss CSS tricks that help in quicker styling of your HTML document and pace up the development process.
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Popular Frameworks to Choose for your Next Single Page Application (SPA) Project

We understand the difference between SPA & MPA and discuss the best frameworks for SPA development.
5 Important YouTube Video Optimization Factors

We go over five crucial YouTube SEO factors to get the best out of the second most popular search engine in the World after Google.
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Team TechAffinity.
101st Edition of TechAffinity Digest
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