In this 162nd edition of our Weekly Digest, we learn 4 different ways to keep common web security vulnerabilities at bay. We also discuss important eCommerce tips and tricks you should know as an eCommerce business owner.

Furthermore, we understand the concept of social commerce & what does it have to offer to your eCommerce business in the future.

Common Web Security Vulnerabilities and 4 Ways to Avoid Them
We understand how a website or web application can avoid web security breaches by perfecting these 4 common mistakes.
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Major eCommerce Tips to Gain Visibility & Attention Among your Audience

We understand important eCommerce tips that are to be followed across eCommerce businesses regardless of the size of the business.
Everything you Need to Know About Social Commerce

We understand the concept of social commerce, the trends followed, and how it can change the future of your business.
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Warm Regards,
Team TechAffinity.
162nd Edition of TechAffinity Digest
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