In this 166th edition of our Weekly Digest, We discuss the benefits of cloud computing & how it helps to increase the productivity of your workforce. 

Furthermore, we learn how DevOps can solve and streamline the problems between your Development & Operations team. We also look at the guide to setting up an online store using Magento. 

We are thankful for your support and do continue to share your valuable feedback. Stay safe!

Enhance Productivity & Collaboration with Cloud Computing
With cloud computing, you can ease collaboration across teams. Discussed here are some of its major benefits.
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An Overview of DevOps and DevOps Tools for your Business

Understanding various DevOps lifecycle stages and corresponding tools that help you navigate through the DevOps process.
Step-By-Step Guide to Setting up Your Magento eCommerce Website

We help you set up your Magento eCommerce store with the help of 11 simple steps.
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Warm Regards,
Team TechAffinity.
166th Edition of TechAffinity Digest
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