In this 65th edition of our Weekly Digest, We learn about DevOps and how it can improve and increase the speed, efficiency, and quality of software delivery.

We further look at simple tricks to write short and concise Python programs and do a comparison between Magento 1 and Magento 2. 

We are thankful for your support and do continue to share your valuable feedback. Stay safe!

What is DevOps and its Business Advantages

By implementing DevOps, your team can merge and work on the complete software application lifecycle, from development and test to deployment to operations with ease.
How Python Programming Simplified MVP Development for Startups?

We understand how simple it is to write programs in Python and as a result, how it enables startups to build an MVP quickly.
Magento 1 vs Magento 2 | Should you Upgrade your Magento eCommerce Store?
We discuss the new features of Magento 2, how it fares against Magento 1 and why you should consider upgrading.
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Warm Regards,
Team TechAffinity.
65th Edition of TechAffinity Digest
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