In this 114th edition of our Weekly Digest, we understand the use cases of a CRM and how to take advantage of CRM to effectively complete a mission. 

Furthermore, we look at the rise of voice assistants and the importance of voice search optimization. Also, we discuss the importance of social media marketing and why you should do them.

We are thankful for your support and do continue to share your valuable feedback. Stay safe!

The Effective Use & Purpose of CRM

We understand the purpose of a CRM tool in a business environment and how teams can effectively use it to achieve their goals.
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to join our team!
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Voice Search Optimization – The Future of SEO

We look at the consistent growth of voice assistance and why it is critical to optimize your content for voice search.
Advantages of Social Media Marketing and Why you Should do it

We discuss why you should do social media marketing and how you can make efficient use of its advantages.
For more technology and marketing resources
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Warm Regards,
Team TechAffinity.
114th Edition of TechAffinity Digest
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