In this 174th edition of our Weekly Digest, we learn about APIs and how they work between applications, web servers, and computers.

We also look at ways to improve customer experience with the help of your CRM system. Furthermore, we look at designing CSS Layouts without using media queries and explain the role played by compatibility testing in a product's success.

We are thankful for your support and do continue to share your valuable feedback. Stay safe!

What are APIs and How do they Work?
We understand the role played by APIs in developing modern software quickly and how they work in the back-end.
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to join our team!
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Improve Customer Experience by Taking Advantage of a CRM System

Take customer experience to the next level with your CRM system to attain new and unexplored heights in your business.
Design Responsive Front-End Without Thinking About Media Queries

We look at 4 different layouts using which you can design responsive front-end for websites & apps.
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Warm Regards,
Team TechAffinity.
174th Edition of TechAffinity Digest
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