In this edition, we take a look at building back-end dashboards for your app using JavaScript layout libraries.

We also look at ways to enhance productivity & simplify business collaboration between teams, and the advantages of Power BI that helps you to visualize meaningful data and gather actionable insights.

We are thankful for your support and do continue to share your valuable feedback.
Right from your CMS to social media schedulers, a lot of dashboards simplifies the tasks for us. We help you build better dashboards using JavaScript.

Boost Productivity with this Business Collaboration and Document Management Platform

Increase the productivity of your teams by harnessing the power of Microsoft SharePoint & streamline the document management system.

How Power BI makes Integration with your Microsoft Office 365 Seamless?

Understanding the advantages of Power BI that enable you to visualize data better to make more informed decisions.
For more technology and marketing resources
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Warm Regards,
Team TechAffinity.
20th Edition of TechAffinity Digest
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