7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to Migrate from AngularJS to Angular 13

Author : TechAffinity 10th Jan 2022

AngularJS to Angular migration has become one of the main issues for developers and businesses worldwide as support for AngularJS ended on 31st December 2021, exposing projects developed using AngularJS to potential security threats and vulnerabilities. This will have a significant impact on businesses, which need to navigate this situation by migrating their existing projects to new frameworks like Angular.
Angular was released by Google in 2016 as an open-source web application framework. It was an improvement and upgrade on the existing AngularJS framework. Google had initially released AngularJS in 2012 as the original framework to create single-page applications and web applications. Angular1.x versions constitute AngularJS and are based on JavaScript. Angular, however, is used for building intuitive web applications as well as cross-platform development. Angular versions 2.0 and above are simply referred to as Angular and based on TypeScript.
With this understanding, let us explore 7 reasons why your business needs to migrate from AngularJS to Angular in this blog.
AngularJS supports the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which is far less efficient and evolved when compared to the component-based MVVM (ModelView-View Model) architecture of Angular. A component is a separate unit of a user interface that can exist on its own and has its own set of methods, features, and APIs. Since components are independent of each other and can exist in the same class, Angular is much more structured than AngularJS.
Angular can be used to create large-scale and complex applications because of the reusability of its elements. Developers find it easier to update their applications by swapping components whenever necessary. They can also reuse components which reduces the development time and cost of the project. This leads to greater flexibility, high testability, and easy maintenance.
AngularJS uses JavaScript whereas Angular uses TypeScript language. Though JavaScript helps in accomplishing tasks quickly, it fails when it comes to detecting compile-time errors. TypeScript is a superset of ECMAScript6 and comes with a built-in advanced type-checking feature. This makes it easy to detect errors and saves a lot of developer time and effort.
In TypeScript, debugging is far more efficient than JavaScript. With a simpler debugging process, you can edit the code directly in the browser. This means compile-time errors are detected at an early stage of development. TypeScript ensures a reduction in runtime errors and code optimization. It has more advanced features and is an ideal fit for front-end development, creating, and handling large-scale applications.
Mobile Support
Since AngularJS was developed in 2009, its major focus has been on developing web applications. However, it has always had severe limitations when it comes to developing mobile applications. Angular, when it was released in 2016, had been developed with a specific focus on building mobile applications. Google also introduced service workers in Angular 5, which was an integral part of developing progressive web apps.
Angular 7 significantly reduced the memory footprint on mobile devices. Angular can be used to build native mobile applications. It allows you to build lightweight apps for mobile devices using lazy scripting. As a result, modules are loaded only when needed leading to better structure, faster loading, and better performance.
Material Design
Though Google introduced Material Design Specification through AngularJS material in 2014, its benefits were limited to Angular 1 x. Hence in 2016, Google decided to expand on this further by enhancing this through a Type-Script-based material design update called Angular Material. Angular Material is more extensible than its predecessor version.
It is flexible and implements responsive design which is a significant upgrade to previous versions. The Component Dev Kit(CDK) introduced enables the development of dynamic user interface (UI) components. In Angular 7, the integration with Material Design Components(MDC) assists in developing cross-platform applications.
Speed & Performance
Based on the component-based structure, Angular executes five times faster than AngularJS with its MVC architecture. The advanced data binding algorithm makes Angular an efficient framework as it gets rid of the slow-moving, two-way data binding features of AngularJS. Angular supports static typing which prevents runtime errors and faster load times while creating large applications. The improved debugging, flexibility, and the use of the command-line interface facilitate in decreasing the application development time.
By compartmentalizing the code into independent components, Angular delivers high performance and ensures that developers can work without having to worry about code vulnerability. The development process is accelerated since there is neat code organization and different teams can work on the various code chunks at the same time. To learn more about performance improvements, please see the Angular performance checklist on the Github page.
Reduced time and costs
Angular reduces the time for completing the overall development cycle. Its built-in type-checking features ensure simplified debugging and maintenance. This results in code optimization since developers spend less time in different phases of software development. Since Angular is easy in terms of code maintenance, the number of developers in the market increases, and keeps the hourly rates comparatively low.
AngularJS does not have a command-line interface (CLI) and it only makes use of third-party tools like WebStorm to develop apps. In Angular, you have an official CLI and include Angular entities like components. This means you do no longer need the support for third-party tools, which enables developers to quickly build apps from scratch.
Regular Updates
Angular gets periodic updates with bug fixes and security patches being released once every six months. This enables applications to be stable and also be in sync with the latest technological developments.
In summary, the migration issue is very much relevant to every business today and it is high time that you consider the need to join the bandwagon in migrating your existing projects from AngularJS to Angular. If you had any doubts about migrating, we hope this blog has left you in a better space to make clear, informed decisions.
As discussed above, the benefits of migrating are multifold as it leads to better architecture, code optimization, improved developer productivity, and reduced project cost. We at TechAffinity, strongly recommend you migrate your existing projects from AngularJS to Angular. Our expert developers can help you migrate your existing applications, as well as create new web and mobile applications with the best quality and premium rates. You can shoot your queries to media@techaffinity.com and our team will get in touch with you.