9 Best Node.js Frameworks for API & Web Development

Author : John Prabhu 9th Aug 2019
Node.js helps in building highly scalable network apps. These are based on event-driven non-blocking I/O model, single-threaded asynchronous programming. Some of the best Node.js frameworks for API & web development are discussed here. But before that, let’s have a quick look at how Node.js came into existence first.

As the original developers of JavaScript scaled it up, Node.js came into existence. Traditionally, JavaScript codes can be run only on browsers. But now, with Node.js, you can execute the JS codes on your system as an individual application.
Hence, JavaScipt helps you do more than just enabling websites to be interactive. Also, JavaScript now acquired some of the capabilities of other scripting languages such as Python.
Both your browser JavaScript and Node.js run on the V8 JavaScript runtime engine. This engine takes your JavaScript code and converts it into faster machine code. Machine code is low-level code which the computer can run without needing to first interpret it.
V8 JavaScript runtime engine is where your browser JavaScript and Node.js. The main function of this engine is to convert the JavaScript code into faster machine code. Since machine codes are low-level codes, the computer can execute them effortlessly without interpreting them in the first place.
Node.js has lived through the changing paradigms of the IT industry for a while. Thanks to its Chrome V8 engine support and asynchronous nature.
To develop a full-stack application, Node.js is a wonderful choice of JavaScript runtime environment. The following frameworks help a lot in scripting your API & web development process if you are going ahead with Node.js.
1. Express.js (aka) Express – Free and Open-source Software Under the MIT License
In the domain of API & web development, Express.js is one of the most popular frameworks. Since Express.js is very popular, it is the most preferred framework for almost every web development project.
Some of the benefits of Express.js are:
- It offers ample features that help in the development process.
- It helps in the hassle-free routing of web requests to the function.
- When it comes to API coding, it offers an ideal organized platform.
- It is compatible with other plugins and libraries as well.
- The framework is well-maintained and is secured consistently to meet the increasing requirements.
- Incredible community support.
- Moreover, the Express.js plugin comes with a user-friendly project generator out of the box. The project generator helps you to get on track quickly by creating a template project.
2. Socket.IO – JavaScript Framework for Realtime Web Applications
Socket.IO is one of the most popular web-socket frameworks that can be used with various programming languages.
Socket.IO enables the development of socket apps such as dashboard Application Programming Interface (API), score tickets, chatbots, etc. in Node.js. When compared to the conventional Node.js web socket library, Socket.IO comes with more advanced features and benefits.
Some of the benefits of Socket.IO are:
- Provides support for web sockets URL routing.
- Every socket can have auto-generated identifiers.
- Managing the socket rooms has been made easy to broadcast data.
- Offers easy and efficient integration with Express.js.
- Offers support for clustering with Redis.
- If you want the support for socket authentication, you can go ahead with the additional plugin socketio-auth.
3. Koa.js – Built by Developers of Express.js Using ES2017 Async Functions
Koa.js makes efficient use of code generators and takes the pace of the development process to the next level. As Koa.js comes with various plugins and middlewares, it can efficiently help you manage cookies, sessions, requests, and even data transactions.
Koa.js came into existence by the team who built Express.js. It functions exceptionally well with the versions 7.6+ of Node.js. As it offers numerous examples, it is relatively easy to get started.
Some of the benefits of Koa.js are:
Developing middleware has been simplified as Koa.js enhances robustness and interoperability of middleware.
- Having written with only 550 lines of code, it is very light.
- Boasts impeccable UX.
- Effectively manages errors through try/catch
- Frees you from callbacks
- Comes with a more readable and clean async code.
4. Sails.js – Free and Open-source Software Under the MIT License
Sails.js is a framework with complete MVC architecture.It makes use of Socket.IO & Express.js. Since it has enterprise-grade software architecture, it allows quick integration of database using model objects.
Some of the benefits of Sails.js are:
- It paves the way to immediately generate project templates as it comes with a project out of the box.
- It has an incredibly well-organized folder structure.
- Enables faster object model development and exposing them using front-end.
- For seamless pre-processing, authorization, and authentication, it permits easy integration of middleware.
- It packs in-built support of GridFS and AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service).
5. Total.js – Written in Pure JavaScript similar to PHP’s Laravel or Python’s Django or ASP.NET MVC
Total.js is one of the renowned frameworks that offer a ready-to-use platform to develop E-commerce, Internet of Things (IoT), Chatbot, and REST apps. Also, premium users can enjoy the perks of publishing their apps on the platform so that others can use it.
Some of the benefits of Total.js are:
- Ability to perform rapid prototyping.
- Packs numerous in-built components that boost the pace of the development process.
- Comes with a plethora of apps and fetching and integrating them into your app is easy.
- Extends its support when it comes to work distribution and allows the module-based framework to simplify the development of large projects.
- Total.js offers effective internal community chat.
- There are pool applications maintained consistently, which can be used instantly.
6. Hapi.js – Open-source Framework for Web App Development
Hapi.js is an incredibly robust framework created to surpass the disadvantages of Express.js. It can effectively create APIs and services and is well-known for reliability and safety. Walmart is the one who brought these drawbacks to light when they were organizing a heavy traffic event.
Some of the benefits of Hapi.js are:
- Fixing bugs and adding new features has been simplified with its extensive plugin system.
- APIs built on this framework are highly scalable.
- Offers efficient control over request handling.
- As it offers caching, input & output validation, and routing, it is a great framework to build REST APIs.
- Allows you to develop APIs that can serve all types of clients that need single-page apps and mobile apps.
- It offers excellent support for document generation and detailed API reference.
7. MeteorJS (aka) Meteor – Free and Open-source Software Under the MIT License
MeteorJS is a full-fledged API and web development framework with a state-of-the-art design at the core. The architecture of MeteorJS is unique, and it runs the code both on the back-end and front-end without needing to rewrite them individually. These contribute to the improvement of development speeds, and it is leveraged to build apps rapidly.
Some of the benefits of MeteorJS are:
- Powers you to build mobile apps, desktop apps, and web apps with a single code base.
- Packs a tightly coupled front-end that helps in reducing the code footprint.
- Comes with a range of plugins and thus highly extensible.
- Numerous front-end templating frameworks are supported.
- Eliminates the necessity to update mobile apps as it supports hot code push.
8. LoopBack – Highly-extensible & Open-source Framework
LoopBack packs a user-friendly CLI (Command Line Interface) and a dynamic API explorer. Integration with the API explorer comes out of the box and the explorer can be easily linked to the client-side apps using the LoopBackJS SDKs. These SDKs are readily available for AngularJS, iOS apps, Android, and Angular 2+ apps.
LoopBack comes with the API explorer built into it and has earned the trust of many developers. It helps greatly in developing secure REST API, backend API, and persist data.
Some of the benefits of LoopBack are:
- Development dynamic end-to-end REST APIs are faster.
- Establishes better connection across various browsers and devices.
- Helps developing client apps using Angular, iOS, and Android SDKs.
- No matter cloud or its own premises. It runs fine on both.
9. Restify – Utilizes Connect Style Middleware for Building REST APIs
Restify helps developers in building semantically correct RESTful web services. It is a web service framework and uses only specific Express.js modules that are relevant. This aspect makes the codebase lighter in contrast to other frameworks. Some of the leading brands such as Pinterest, Netflix, Joyent, etc. use this, and you won’t regret your choice if you want to go with Restify.
Some of the benefits of Restify are:
- In-built throttling.
- When you are using a DTrace supported platform, Restify offers automatic DTrace support.
- Functionalities such as rendering and templating and avoided.
- In-built SPDY support.
With all these incredible plugins and frameworks, you can increase the pace of full-stack app development process. Node.js framework can be effectively used to build and develop cross-platform applications with ease, and developers can build back-end apps easily with Node.js.
TechAffinity has a proven track record of building apps using Node.js framework and many JavaScript frameworks such as Hapi.js, Restify, Koa.js, Express.js, ReactJS, AngularJS, and the list goes on. Our developers are experts in designing and building exquisite apps that are highly functional and scalable. Get in touch with us to let us know your queries, and we will come up with feasible ideas to solve them. You can drop your queries at media@techaffinity.com.