5 Best WordPress Related Posts Plugins to Improve Visitor Engagement

Author : John Prabhu 23rd Jan 2020

Not all topics can be completely explained in a single blog post. So, how will you engage and educate your visitor on a topic and make them understand it completely? You would be breaking down the broader topic into multiple subtopics, draft them, and publish them to explain that particular topic effectively. Displaying related posts on your blog page engage your visitor and make them stay on your website and read more of your high-quality content. As all your blogs help visitors to know more about your offerings and benefits of availing your services, displaying related posts to a specific topic will help in getting a clear picture of your offerings. Here are 5 best WordPress related post plugins to make your visitors stay longer on your website.
1. Jetpack
Jetpack is the best-known plugin loaded with numerous functions. Jetpack offers many features and enterprises and SMBs use them widely. For adding Jetpack Relevant Posts in your blog, you need to use Jetpack —-> Settings —–> Traffic page. Then you can enable this option by using the “ Show related content after posts” option.
Not only does the posts look great, but it also comes with a few customizable options from a functional perspective. There are several additional customizations available in the WordPress theme customizer. You can customize headlines and display options such as a grid or list.
2. Contextual Related Posts
One of the best WordPress related post plugins is “Contextual Related Posts”. To have better control over the duration and validity of related posts, Contextual Related Posts is a useful plugin. This plugin allows you to define an expiry period after which the related posts will not be displayed. Further, you can select which WordPress related posts are to be displayed, limit the posts belonging to one category, exclude certain post categories, and randomize posts.
The stand out feature of this plugin is its customization. If you want to filter the results being shown on your website, make use of this plugin. Among other features, this plugin offers layout and thumbnail options as well.
RSS feeds are a good place to use plugins for adding relevant content to your blog. The number of posts, location and thumbnail look and size can all be adjusted based on the feed. Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPressWordPressWordPress is a content management system that runs on MySQL and PHP. The best part about WordPress is it is free and an open-source platform. It comes with a wide range of templates opening up the possibilities in creating an e-commerce website, or a service provider website, or an individual’s website. Thus, it meets the requirements of all the facets of the world. Its features are plugin architecture and the above-mentioned template system. Though it is mostly associated with blogging, it also supports other content like media galleries, traditional mailing lists, and forums. is another great plugin to use for stylish and customizable filters.
3. Related Post by PickPlugins
The “Related Post” is a popular WordPress plugin that gets frequent updates and functions seamlessly with your blog website. Unlike JetpackJetpackJetpack is a suite of libraries, tools, and guidance to help developers write high-quality apps easier. These components help you follow best practices, free you from writing boilerplate code, and simplify complex tasks, so you can focus on the code you care about, the “Related Post” is not a very simple solution and it is not as complex as the Contextual Related Posts plugin.
The plugin lets you insert wordpress related posts into various post types through PHPPHPHypertext Preprocessor, fondly called as PHP, is one of the widely used open source scripting language mainly focused on web development which can be embedded into HTML. In addition, it acts as a server-side scripting language as well as a general-purpose programming language. function and code snippets. You can track what gets clicked, change the blog title, and even modify the number of items getting displayed.
The WordPress plugin offers 3 different layout structures to easily showcase your blogs: slider, grid, and list. For each item, you can set options and features like the width, height, margin, alignment, padding, and spacing. In the layout section, you can customize the thumbnail, title and the excerpt look based on your preferences. You are free to choose from an array of predefined thumbnail sizes and assign a maximum height for images.
You can customize the slider options using a dedicated page. Also, you can customize slider speed, pagination, background colors, and other slider options using this plugin. The number of columns for desktops is set at 4, tablets at 3, and smartphones at 2.
4. WordPress Related Posts Plugin by AddThis
If you are on the lookout for a replacement to JetpackJetpackJetpack is a suite of libraries, tools, and guidance to help developers write high-quality apps easier. These components help you follow best practices, free you from writing boilerplate code, and simplify complex tasks, so you can focus on the code you care about plugin, you can try the WordPressWordPressWordPress is a content management system that runs on MySQL and PHP. The best part about WordPress is it is free and an open-source platform. It comes with a wide range of templates opening up the possibilities in creating an e-commerce website, or a service provider website, or an individual’s website. Thus, it meets the requirements of all the facets of the world. Its features are plugin architecture and the above-mentioned template system. Though it is mostly associated with blogging, it also supports other content like media galleries, traditional mailing lists, and forums. Related Posts Plugin by AddThis. It encourages social media sharing and engagement, list building and tips.
Under the advanced settings area, you can enable sharing and click tracking, and enter Google AnalyticsGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. ID and Twitter username. You can also implement action hooks like Loading options such as script location and customizable JSONJSONJavaScript Object Notation is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs and array data types. It is a very common data format, with a diverse range of applications, such as serving as the replacement for XML in AJAX systems code. The plugin offers 3 different layout structures to easily showcase your blogs
- Inline
- In the footer
- In the sidebar
The plugin offers complete customizations and you can set the number of posts to be showcased. Also, if you are planning to showcase it in the footer area, you can showcase it horizontally and if you are planning to go with the sidebar, you can showcase it vertically. An additional feature is that you can lock a blog of your choice in the first slot and it never changes until you make changes.
Some of the advantages of this plugin are it is easy to use, offers numerous choices when it comes to showcasing the related posts, and offers a clean UI.
5. Inline Related Posts
For adding information inside your blog post, this plugin is useful. Inline Related Posts work as an alternative plugin when dealing with making changes to the content within a blog post.
This plugin lets you insert 3 related post boxes in your content, and specify a specific interval between each content box as per need. Related posts only last for a given duration of days before being replaced.
It comes in two basic styles in the free version and 5 different styles with the premium version, starting from $27. The basic version does not display images from your posts but premium versions showcase attractively. They are well-designed with well-positioned featured images and boosting your page visits.
Bonus Plugin
If you seek control over what gets displayed to the visitor, Similar Posts, plugin allows you to customize the HTMLHTMLHypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript. features in your output. For an advanced user, this plugin will help them appreciate the finer details better. It has so many tags that you can use to control how everything looks and what posts end up on the site.
Also Read: Best Image File Type for your WordPress Site
If you are still unsure of choosing the related post plugins to showcase similar blog posts on your website, feel free to send your queries to media@techaffinity.com. For a complete WordPress website design, you can schedule a meeting with us.