Google Updates its ARCore Developer Platform

Author : TechAffinity 11th Nov 2019

To improvise and promote cross-platform Augumented RealityAugmented RealityAugmented Reality (AR) transforms the objects available in the real-world augmented and provides an interactive experience of a real-world environment. Mostly, these computer-generated augmentations are perceptual information, sometimes across sensory modalities, including auditory, olfactory, somatosensory, visual and haptic. (AR) experience, Google recently announced updates to its Augmented Reality (AR) Developer Platform, ARCore. ARCoreAugmented RealityAugmented Reality (AR) transforms the objects available in the real-world augmented and provides an interactive experience of a real-world environment. Mostly, these computer-generated augmentations are perceptual information, sometimes across sensory modalities, including auditory, olfactory, somatosensory, visual and haptic. is Google’s Developer platform for creating, building, and sharing Augmented Reality (AR) experiences. Here are the three main feature improvements that were announced recently to the platform.
New iOS Support & Face Effects Template
Augumented FacesAugmented FacesAugmented Faces allows your app to automatically identify different regions of a detected face, and use those regions to overlay assets such as textures and models in a way that properly matches the contours and regions of an individual face. API, launched earlier this year, allows users to add some high-quality effects to their faces without requiring a depth sensor on their smartphones. By rolling out iOS support, developers can now create such effects for more than a billion users. The creation process is now made easier for both Android & iOS developers using the new face effects template.
Cloud Anchors Improved

Cloud AnchorsCloud AnchorsCloud Anchors offers the ability to create AR apps that share a common frame-of-reference, enabling multiple users to place virtual content in the same real-world location. API, launched last year, allows developers to create shared AR experiences across iOS and Android. From visual data of a 3D feature image, devices are allowed to create anchor tags. These tags stay on top of the device data. Since these anchors are hosted on the CloudCloud computingCloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software., several people can use them to share their real-world experience.
In the latest update, ARCore Google has made to image creation and visual processing in the cloud. This has led to better hosting and anchor resolving methods. With wider angles, it is now possible to create and share higher-quality 3D feature maps. Developers can remove inessential visual details in the map and collaborate more using the shared anchor IDs. With better image resolution and by using multiple anchors, it takes relatively lesser time to create an entirely new feature map.
Persistent Cloud Anchors
With an eye on the future, some cool features have been introduced with this update of ARCore Google. The persistent cloud anchor is one such feature, which is being promoted as a save button. It is to be used for overlaying virtual information on top of the physical world, ensuring a better AR experience.
For example, you can leave design information on the walls of museums for your friends to see and explore while visiting at a later time. The idea is to encourage collaborative work. These features are meant to create apps that would enable friends and followers to leave their creative AR work in real-world locations.
Using persistent cloud anchors, creators can continue working on their art pieces as they create and collaborate over time. All these features seamlessly bridge the gap between the physical and the digital world.
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