Omnichannel Marketing – 5 Key Strategies for a Better Customer Experience (Part 2 of 3)

Author : TechAffinity 18th Sep 2019
Welcome to Part 2 of our series on omnichannel digital marketing. In Part 1, we had begun with defining omnichannel digital marketing and understanding why the market is gradually shifting towards it.
Before getting into this post, it is good to keep in mind that omnichannel marketing is driven by customer behavior. It is about companies aligning with customer needs and not the other way around.

The more the number of channels, the greater the power customers have in the buying process. Omnichannel marketing uses some smart strategies to help companies deal with this shift in balance.
Think Global, Act Local.
This is absolutely non-negotiable for brands with a global presence. Your brand needs to context your messaging according to the local needs of the audience. There has to be a world-class experience with an appeal to the local preference. The key is to acknowledge that Nobody wants to feel neglected and left alone, especially on their home turf.
Here are a few strategies that work really well:
- Engage with local companies to grow your influence.
- Promote your brand using local news and trends.
- Support payment methods that work locally.
Segment your Audience
Audience segmentation is a useful Omni-channel strategy to customize your email lists and prospects. Segmentation based on age and location is quite popular. With Google Analytics, you can track user behavior and make sure to focus on what works for your audience.

For example, male iOS users in the bay area aged between 25-35 are more likely to buy based on technical specifications. If you happen to have a market to that audience, include your technical specs in your landing pages and email campaigns.
Make it Big with Promotional Campaigns
According to a study by RetailMeNot, almost 80% of those surveyed said that digital coupons help them make the purchase when they are unsure about the deal.
Here are 3 strategies that might work better than simple discount offers:
Multi-buy offers. When you sell stuff like a bundle, customers tend to add up the individual parts and compare with the total cost. By pricing the bundle at a lower cost, you can be sure to get more customers interested in the deal.
BOGO. Who does not fall for the Buy-One-Get-One-Free offer? When a customer can pay almost the same price for two items as they would have for just one, it’s hard for them to say no. About 85% of consumers looking for coupons before even visiting a retailer, there’s no denying ‘em.
Listen and Respond. Make sure that you are able to listen and respond to transactions over more than a single channel. For example, an e-commerce retailer should strive to preserve items in a cart across devices – if you add an item to your mobile shopping cart, it should still be in your shopping cart when you log in on your desktop computer.
Double Down on Cross-Channel experience
At a recent conference, Neil Mohan, Google’s VP of Display Advertising, said, “If you’re just focusing on mobile, you’re solving yesterday’s problems.90% of consumers start a task on one device and finish it on another.”

Saving time and effort for customers across different channels goes a long way in customer retention and brand recall value. For example, a customer might start a purchase on his mobile phone but at the last stage, the battery might die. A tablet or laptop might come in handy to finish this purchase and it is important to make sure the customer has to only finish this step.
Stand out with a Brand Voice
Brand voice is how a company communicates with customers. It has to remain constant across all platforms, collateral, and physical locations. Focusing on how you talk to customers helps build loyalty and brand recognition over and above your well-designed logo.

Frank Body, built their brand voice, setting themselves apart by bucking the trend of corporate language and scientific jargon to talk about the product. Instead, they created the character “frank” to engage with their audience in a relatable, direct way. Simple, smart marketing which appeals to the heart as much to the head.
In summary, it is important to remember that omnichannel marketing is not some fancy tactic. It is about being authentic while serving the best interests of the customer. Now that we are familiar with theories, in the third and final part of this series, we bring you 5 companies that are making an impact in their respective domains.
At TechAffinity, it is our mission, to be future-ready and help you stay on top of current market trends. In alignment with that mission, we want to empower you to get ahead in the market by implementing Omnichannel digital marketing strategies. Please feel free to Get in touch with us. You can also drop an email at with all your queries.