Overview of Golang and its Advantages

Author : Amarnath S 30th Dec 2020

Go is an emerging programming language and it continues to grow in the software industry and certain developers find it as a promising programing language. It was created by Google and is an open-source programming language that allows you to build simple, reliable, and efficient web applications. With Golang, it is believed to overcome the limitations posed by other traditional programming languages.
The solutions for general limitations such as slow performance, complex type systems and slow compilation time are considered in the GO language. Docker and Kubernetes are developed using Go because of the scalability and the robustness the programming language possess. Predominantly, Go is used to develop programs for large scale network and distributed servers. It has emerged as an alternative programing language to C++ in the context of Google’s requirement for its network servers, CDN, and other distributed systems.
Go is expressive, brief, clean, and efficient. Multithreaded applications can be created using Go; whereas, many other technologies use single threaded concept. Its parallel and concurrency mechanisms make it simple to code the programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines. It’s a lightweight, open-source language well-suited for building apps on today’s microservices architecture. Also, Go is cross-platform and thus, it runs on both Windows and Linux.
One of the main advantages in Golang is its novel type systems, which is very convenient for creating modular or to the extent of functional level software development. Golang decodes quickly to machine code. Therefore, its ease of use on handling of the garbage collection, and the run-time reflection is phenomenal. It is a strong and statically typed, compiled language but it’s seems like an auto executed code and auto compiled language. When it’s a strong and statically typed, the type of the variables cannot be changed over a period of as like in Java and C++ and all these variables are defined during the compile time. To run the Go programs, you can use online IDE’s such as The Go Playground and repl.it instead of installing a separate IDE on your system.
Advantages of Go:
It has a very good community support. The advantages and the key features of Go are as follows:
Simplicity – in order to make it simple the components such as object constructors, method overloading, class inheritance and exceptions are left out. There are alternatives provided for the exceptions, in order to the error handling the multi-value returns are implemented in the Go which make it easy to report the error without overloading the return value. Methods in Go are more general than other popular languages.
Fast compiling time – This development environment encourages fast development, build the module and its testing fast with a fast compile time.
Garbage collection – No need to manage around the memory, where the memory management is automatically inbuilt.
Concurrency – Provision for doing the concurrent development in the base language. It has an extensive standard libraries and data types, as like the other popular frameworks, Go has lot of vital functionalities or the modules built-in. one thread supports many Go routines. Multiple go routines can be created in a same address space and the multi-core processor can be utilized using the Goroutines. Multiple function call can be done simultaneously with high accuracy even in concurrence.
Duck typing – Dynamic typing, it’s not required to type in order to invoke an existing method on an object – if a method is defined on it, it can be invoked automatically.
Testing support – Go by default provides the unit testing features, an easy and simple mechanism to write the unit test parallel with during the code development, hence the developer and understand their code coverage by their own tests.
Platform independent: Go language is just like Java language as it is platform independent. Due to its modularity, the code is compiled and converted into binary form as small as possible and hence, it requires no dependency.
The tools such as Go get, go fmt and go test are in the Go in order to download and install packages, format code and run tests respectively. Go fmt acts as a community style guide and automatically fixes code style. Coding in GO is simple and it’s not overly complex. Due to its significant inbuilt features and the advantages some of the popular applications are in Go such as Openshift – A cloud computing PaaS for Red Hat, Dropbox – Some of the Dropbox’s critical components are migrated to Go, Netflix and influx.
At TechAffinity, we have expert app developers who cater all your needs on developing the robust web applications using Golang based on their business requirement. Shoot your queries to media@techaffinity.com or schedule a meeting with our experts.