5 Best Website Change Monitoring Tools to Safeguard your Online Business

Author : John Prabhu 26th Nov 2019

As an online business owner, you need to keep track of changes happening on your website or web application 24×7. Also, you can’t have control over everything personally. However, you can leverage website change monitoring tools to keep things under supervision. With these tools, you can monitor website and check the content included in your website, code files, images, and other files stored on the server, and so on.
Here are the answers to your question: is there a way to be notified when a website is updated?
1. Versionista – Immediate Website Change Alerts Through Customized Emails.

Versionista is a robust SaaS solution and is simple to use. You can use it for your website when you want to monitor it on a large scale. You can use it to crawl your web pages or to get a notification on website changes that include content, code, image change, etc. Versionista provides a detailed reporting format that helps you make more informed decisions.
Some features of Versionista are:
- Monitor changes to HTMLHTMLHypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript., PDFs, dynamic content
- Auto-crawl and monitor changes across entire sites
- Cloud-based solution
- Simple, powerful filters to screen irrelevant changes
- Color-coded comparisons to show deletions & additions
- Detailed email summaries and instant change alerts
2. Fluxguard – Simple, Accurate & Real-time Website Change Monitor

An interesting aspect of Fluxguard is that it not only monitors the publicly visible content but also the gated content such as your case studies, whitepapers, password-protected pages, etc. Using tools such as PuppeteerPuppeteerPuppeteer is a Node library that provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. Puppeteer runs headless by default but can be configured to run full (non-headless) Chrome or Chromium. and Headless ChromeHeadless ChromeHeadless Chrome is a way to run the Chrome browser in a headless environment without the full browser UI. One of the benefits of using Headless Chrome (as opposed to testing directly in Node) is that your JavaScript tests will be executed in the same environment as users of your site., Fluxguard can submit forms and communicate with any part of your web page. Also, you can get Google Lighthouse reports from the Fluxguard dashboard itself.
Some features of Fluxguard are:
- Text content change detection
- Instantly alert key users to changes
- Automated business-critical website change audits
- HTML change detection
- Google Lighthouse metrics change detection
- Design change detection
- Network activity change detection
- Cookie change detection
- Multiple website change visualizations
- Archive changes forever
3. Sken.io – Cloud Monitoring Tool for Tracking Website Change

Sken.io eased website change monitoring to a greater extent by providing a chrome extension and a mobile app. It is because you may not be checking your mailbox often time but, you wouldn’t miss alerts from the extension and app.
Some features of Sken.io are:
- The customizable scheduler runs checks exactly when you want. Monitor website changes every minute.
- Monitor website by selecting areas or picking elements.
- Remove unwanted elements such as popups from monitoring.
- Detailed reporting with the help of charts and numbers.
4. Wachete – Monitor Webpage for Changes on the Go

With Wachete, you can monitor single web pages or entire web portals. It will monitor the content and will send you a notification each time the content has changed. Also, you can get an archive of 12 months for enterprises. Track and watch any webpage for changes at your convenience.
Some features of Wachete are:
- Monitor password-protected pages
- Receive daily or weekly summary email with changes from several pages
- Monitor pages which require clicks or submit of values
- Detailed reports with appropriate graphs/charts
- Monitor the availability of web pages.
- Collect history, changes and web content up to 12 months
- Monitor specific part of the web page or whole web page including crawled subpages
- Monitor dynamic and JavaScript pages
- Download data as an excel sheet
- Customize email and mobile notifications when content has changed
- Create an RSS feed from the content of any page
- RESTREST APIRepresentational state transfer is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services. interface for 3rd party partners.
5. Distill.io – Track From any Browser, Receive Updates on any Device or Channel

When it comes to monitoring website changes, you can monitor using the cloud and get updates 24 x 7. You can also monitor website locally, and you can set check intervals for as low as 5 seconds. Also, you can set a checking interval between 5 seconds to 30 days.
You can filter alerts with conditions such as single conditions and compound conditions. Distill.io offers “Watchlist,” from which you can manage all your monitors from one place. It offers cross-platform compatibility, which means you can start tracking from any browser, get updates on any device or channel. Hence, you will be able to receive updates on your mobile apps, desktop browsers, and integrations with third-party apps.
Some features of Distill.io are:
- Import/Export data as JSONJSONJavaScript Object Notation is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs and array data types. It is a very common data format, with a diverse range of applications, such as serving as the replacement for XML in AJAX systems/CSV files
- View and edit monitor configs through JSON
- API access for developers and teams on request
- Automate steps like filling forms and clicks
- Add labels to organize monitors better
- Use custom proxies
- Track changes in PDFs and private pages
- Manage a version history of all changes
As far as websites are concerned, especially for content-driven websites such as e-commerce or news websites, website change monitoring is of paramount importance. With all the above-mentioned website change monitoring tools, you can track content, HTML, image, and all other changes that happened on your website over some time. The best part is, you can customize your desired time interval.
Feel free to line up your queries related to website change monitoring, and shoot them all at one go to media@techaffinity.com or get in touch with us by scheduling a meeting.