Magento Officially Announced the Withdrawal of Support for Magento 1 | Migrate to Magento 2 from Magento 1
Author : John Prabhu 29th Jun 2020
Adobe’s MagentoMagentoMagento is an open-source based e-commerce platform that provides online retailers with an easy and flexible shopping cart system. Also, it gives control over the look, content, and functionality of the online store.announced the release of a new Magento 2 for eCommerceeCommerceeCommerce is the activity of electronically buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. store owners in 2015 with updated features. Simultaneously, Magento also announced November 2018 as the EoL (End-of-Life) date for Magento 1. But, Magento was graceful enough to give the store owners a few more times and has finalized the EoL to June 30th, 2020. So, as a successful eCommerce store owner, you should be aware of Magento 1’s status, how the EoL of Magento 1 will affect your business, and why it is important to migrate to Magento 2 from Magento 1.
Current State of Magento 1 Framework
Since Adobe’s Magento has been actively developing the Magento 2 framework, Magento 1 did not witness any major release since mid-2014. But Magento Commerce 1 (FKA Enterprise Edition) and Magento Open-Source (FKA Community Edition) were receiving security patches and it will stop by the end of June 2020.
What Does Magento 1 EoL Mean?
End-of-Life emphasizes that Magento is withdrawing its support for Magento 1 framework after June 30th, 2020. The withdrawal of support is common for both Magento Commerce 1 and Magento Open-Source. As a result, after 30th June, 2020, you will not receive security patches, support, quality fixes for Magento 1 systems.
What are the Risks of Staying on Magento 1?
eCommerce store owners who decide to continue using Magento 1 post EoL are risking themselves for hack and cyber-attacks because your eCommerce store becomes vulnerable to such attacks. Your online store will be live and functioning well like before but, you need to re-platform to another eCommerce platform. If you still want to remain in Magento 1, below are the risk you will be facing alone:
1. No Security Patches
It is obvious that hackers are on the constant lookout for attacking eCommerce websites with DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service and Spamming). When Magento’s team finds vulnerabilities in the system, they immediately work on it, develop and release security patches to resolve the vulnerability.
Since 2018, though there were no major updates regarding the features of Magento 1, but developers were consistently rolling out security patches for the platform. Since the cost associated with maintaining the security aspects of an open-source project is high, they decided to stop the support from June, 2020. Hence, the bottom line is, even if vulnerability is detected, Magento will not offer support to protect the framework and thus, the stores built on it.
2. Legacy eCommerce Software Upkeep
If you decide to continue your eCommerce business with Magento 1, maintaining the legacy eCommerce software without any updates will become a priority task for you than selling products. Also, maintaining Magento 1 will be both time consuming and expensive. Moreover, third-party support such as Magento certified technical partners for integrations and plugins development companies will rather start focussing on offering solutions to the latest Magento 2 than Magento 1.
3. Losing PCI Compliance
PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is important for any eCommerce store to function effectively. Any eCommerce website should meet the data security standards and comply with their policies. It emphasizes that your store needs to follow very strict customer data security requirements. If your store is not PCI compliant, browsers will start showing “Not Secure” before your store’s URL, which will frighten away your potential customers and will affect your sales.
4. Lack of Developer Support
Developers who are familiar with Magento 1 platform are becoming less in number as they are upgrading themselves to Magento 2. Over time, technical partners will stop supporting Magento 1 as the framework gets upgraded with innovative features. Therefore, finding support for your legacy Magento 1 framework becomes a tedious task.
5. Missing out on eCommerce Innovations
If you settle with Magento 1, legacy eCommerce software that will not get any updates, your online store is going to be out-dated soon and will lack innovative features.
6. Transitioning to a new eCommerce Software
Embracing Magento 2 is not a simple task, but our team of Magento eCommerce developers will make it a smooth transition for your business. Practically, it is like adopting an eCommerce platform for your business from scratch. So, without contemplating any further, it is time to make a good decision for your business.
Final Thoughts
It is time to upgrade your store to Magento 2 from Magento 1. If you’re comfortable with the user and customer experience you received from Magento, then looking for other eCommerce solutions will become unnecessary. We also have other resources that emphasize how Magento Marketplace Extensions make the lives of eCommerce store owners easy. Leaving such a platform behind will take immense amount of effort and time to run a successful business.
Still confused? Read Magento 1 vs Magento 2 Comparison
We, at TechAffinity, have expert eCommerce developers familiar with the Magento framework and can make your upgrade to Magento 2 a smooth transition. For any queries regarding migration to Magento 2 from Magento 1, send an email to or schedule a meeting with our Magento Developers.