7 Reasons Why Cross-platform App Development Frameworks Improve App Development Efficiency

Author : John Prabhu 8th Jan 2020

Native AppNative AppsNative Application is a software program that is developed for use on a particular platform or device. Because a native app is built for use on a particular device and its OS, it has the ability to use device-specific hardware and software. development process demands you to write distinct codes for specific platforms. For example, when you are developing a native AndroidAndroidThe mobile operating system Android, developed by Google, profoundly dominates the smartphone industry and established itself as a rival to the iOS, developed by Apple. Android is focused to serve the touchscreen devices like smartphones and tables and it is built using a revamped version of the Linux kernel and other open source software. app, you will be using the Android Studio as your IDEIDEAn integrated development environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of at least a source code editor, build automation tools, and a debugger. and a suitable SDKSDKA software development kit is a collection of software development tools in one installable package. They ease creation of applications by having compiler, debugger and perhaps a software framework. They are normally specific to a hardware platform and operating system combination. for your project. The compiled build from your IDE will be packaged only for the Android platform, and will not run on iOSiOSiOS is an operating system exclusively created and developed by Apple Inc. for its hardware. It is focused on powering the mobile devices of Apple such as the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.. When you start with mobile cross-platform development frameworks, your single CodebaseCodebaseCodebase refers to the human-written programming code specifically made for a program. Codebase may be stored in various source code repositories and manipulated by various code editors. It generally does not include generic library files. Codebase is the complete source code required to maintain application functionality, or the implementation of that source code can be used to compile the builds for both Android and iOS. Hence, you don’t have to develop from scratch for each platform and save coding time with cross-platform app development.
1. Enables Code Component Reusability
With cross-platform app development, you are going to write a single CodebaseCodebaseCodebase refers to the human-written programming code specifically made for a program. Codebase may be stored in various source code repositories and manipulated by various code editors. It generally does not include generic library files. Codebase is the complete source code required to maintain application functionality, or the implementation of that source codefor your AndroidAndroidThe mobile operating system Android, developed by Google, profoundly dominates the smartphone industry and established itself as a rival to the iOS, developed by Apple. Android is focused to serve the touchscreen devices like smartphones and tables and it is built using a revamped version of the Linux kernel and other open source software. and iOSiOSiOS is an operating system exclusively created and developed by Apple Inc. for its hardware. It is focused on powering the mobile devices of Apple such as the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. apps. In other words, the functionalities and features for both Android and iOS apps are developed with a single codebase. As a result, you become efficient enough to build completely functional apps for two platforms under one roof. Thus, cross-platform frameworks improve your productivity and efficiency.
2. Increases the Pace of App Development Process

As said earlier, you are compiling out two builds for two distinct platforms from a single CodebaseCodebaseCodebase refers to the human-written programming code specifically made for a program. Codebase may be stored in various source code repositories and manipulated by various code editors. It generally does not include generic library files. Codebase is the complete source code required to maintain application functionality, or the implementation of that source code. In Native AppNative AppsNative Application is a software program that is developed for use on a particular platform or device. Because a native app is built for use on a particular device and its OS, it has the ability to use device-specific hardware and software. development, you would be developing two different codebases for two platforms. Therefore, the time taken to develop an app using cross-platform app development frameworks is comparatively less. Hence, you can stick to your strict deadlines and deliver your projects on-time.
3. Minimizes Overall Cost and Overheads
While businesses are embracing various digital transformation strategies, not all companies can afford to build Native AppsNative AppsNative Application is a software program that is developed for use on a particular platform or device. Because a native app is built for use on a particular device and its OS, it has the ability to use device-specific hardware and software. for distinct platforms. Also, with internet marketing being the buzzword, mobile apps help businesses deliver more personalized messages. So, to reduce the friction between businesses and the process of adopting technology, you can go with mobile cross-platform development to minimize the overall cost and overheads.
4. Consistent UI Components

As you can develop and compile two different builds that will function like Native AppsNative AppsNative Application is a software program that is developed for use on a particular platform or device. Because a native app is built for use on a particular device and its OS, it has the ability to use device-specific hardware and software., the UI components will deliver a consistent look and feel on the respective platforms. As a result, your users will find it easy to navigate to other pages, and you will not find any glitches in the app. Thus, you can deliver two different packages with consistent UI components that work seamlessly well on AndroidAndroidThe mobile operating system Android, developed by Google, profoundly dominates the smartphone industry and established itself as a rival to the iOS, developed by Apple. Android is focused to serve the touchscreen devices like smartphones and tables and it is built using a revamped version of the Linux kernel and other open source software. and iOSiOSiOS is an operating system exclusively created and developed by Apple Inc. for its hardware. It is focused on powering the mobile devices of Apple such as the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch..
Suggested Read: Best App Development Frameworks (Cross-platform & Native)
5. Seamless Hosting of Apps
It is easy to host apps in the Play Store and App Store when the app meets all requirements. App packages compiled out from your CodebaseCodebaseCodebase refers to the human-written programming code specifically made for a program. Codebase may be stored in various source code repositories and manipulated by various code editors. It generally does not include generic library files. Codebase is the complete source code required to maintain application functionality, or the implementation of that source code can be hosted easily on its respective platform without any threat, glitch, crash, or breakdown. In other words, your app will be stable and will be functional in the hosted platform.
6. Integration with Cloud Made Simple

Apps built using cross-platform app development frameworks can also be seamlessly integrated with the cloud. Moreover, you can integrate your cross-platform app with external (third-party) plugins and extensions. Hence, you can include universal compatibility with your apps.
7. Slimmer Tech Stack
As the cross-platform app development frameworks offer all the essentials of a tech stack, you need not commit yourself to learn multiple languages. Rather, you can spend more time on mastering and updating your current tech stack.
Final Thoughts: How Cross-platform App Frameworks Improve App Development Efficiency?
Cross-platform app development frameworks accomplish two tasks at a time and enhance the efficiency of the mobile app development process. Also, with the advent of cross-platform app development frameworks, businesses can start developing their apps at affordable pricing and expand their customer outreach.
We, at TechAffinity, have a host of expert cross-platform mobile app developers solving the unique needs of various enterprises of all sizes. With us, you can build your mobile app at affordable pricing with cross-platform app development. Line up your queries and send an email to media@techaffinity.com or schedule a meeting to discuss further.